Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Wellcome to my coffee shop

Wellcome to my coffee shop

According to Marcondes, in the reputable scholarly article entitled Small and Medium Slaveholdings in the Coffee Economy of the Vale do Paraíba, 27.9% of the population is enslaved. Most of the areas in Vale do Paraíba that have larger amounts of slavery are the communities in which coffee is grown. Marcondes found in some areas that coffee holders held about 10 slaves each to grow, and this depended on the size of the plantation. Marcondes used “Almanak da província de São Paulo para 1873” to cross-examine the information she had found through her own research about slave holding. The Almanak contains a list of slavery and owners listed from the year 1873. Primarily, however, Marcondes surveyed the slave classification accounts of the areas under dispute, which contain the register number and name of the slave. Shockingly, throughout the areas there are many differentiations, in numbers of slaves and size of plantations, however, Marcondes refutes that the slavery did not change throughout the 1900s. Conclusively, it ends with the statement that slaveholdings increased, with the increased popularity of coffee and the expansion of coffee production.